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The students are continuously evaluated throughout the academic calendar by the respective Principal and Staff in each subject, irrespective of the group, the student belongs to. Every student has to attend the Tests conducted in each subject i.e. three Unit Tests in each subject, besides Quarterly / Half-Yearly and Pre-Final Examinations conducted internally.

The parents are constantly being kept informed about the academic track. The parents are held equally responsible to evaluate their wards from time to time in order to gauge the mental ability, academic performance and pursuance of higher knowledge. The college is keeping its doors open for any parent to discuss the academic matters in the benefit of students, on all working days. The Management in turn is constantly monitoring both the staff and students to obtain proper results and make Degree meaningful, by conducting regular meetings with the staff and seeking feed back from the students. The parents / guardians should communicate with the college on not receiving any academic information of their ward.

The total of atleast 80% attendance is to be put in by every individual student throughout the academic year and 100% attendance in all the Tests and Examinations. Thus, at the time of issue of Examination Forms the students who fulfill this criteria only will be given the application forms for writing the University Examinations through the College.

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